Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Learning Outcomes

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program learning outcomes

Upon completion of the MALS degree, the student will be able to:

SLO1: identify interactions and influences among various disciplines, fields, theories, analytical strategies, and source materials;

SLO 2: deploy skills, methods, and knowledge developed in coursework;

SLO 3: demonstrate close, analytical interpretations of source materials in one’s writing;

SLO 4: conduct complex research, synthesize it, and argue persuasively in support of a claim based on evidence;

SLO 5: analyze the value and significance of one's own academic and creative work, and situate it within the context of similar works; 

SLO 6: express oneself articulately orally in discussion and, when appropriate, in presentational modes;

SLO 7: express oneself articulately in writing.

Liberal Studies Core course learning outcomes

Upon completion of the liberal studies core course, students will be able to:

SLO 1: compare and analyze primary source materials and methods from multiple disciplines.
SLO 2: demonstrate close, analytical interpretations of primary source materials in their writing.
SLO 3: demonstrate an understanding of and connections between theories, mechanisms, models, evolutions of thought, changes across history, analytical strategies, limitations of analysis, influences of adjacent fields, and interactions among primary source materials, as appropriate to the course topics.


MALS 670: Master of Arts Thesis course learning outcomes

In MALS 670: Master of Arts Thesis course, students will execute a significant and sustained research project. The thesis serves both as the culmination and capstone of student work in the MALS program and is the primary means of overall assessment of student learning. Students will demonstrate the ability to:

SLO 1: choose and define a research topic;
SLO 2: choose and define a methodology appropriate to the field, fields, or interdisciplinary area relevant to a research topic;  
SLO 3: compile, discuss, and critique an appropriate bibliography;
SLO 4: analyze critically and in-depth a research topic with the support of a faculty advisor;  
complete a major project independently;
SLO 5: develop new knowledge;
SLO 6: reach and present a conclusion in the scholarly manner appropriate to the field, fields, or interdisciplinary area of inquiry;
SLO 7: deploy skills, methods, and knowledge developed in prior coursework;
SLO 8: write a coherent and correctly formatted 40-60 page document in a style appropriate to the discipline; and
SLO 9: defend their work orally.


The MALS program upholds ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó College policies for inclusion, diversity, and accommodation.