
Recent Obituaries
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Clifford Kentner Scott ’48

Clifford Kentner Scott ’48, May 4, 2011, in Greenbrae, California. Kentner attended ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó for two years before pursuing a long career in commercial banking, real estate, and nonprofit accounting. In 1985, he founded Emergence International, a community of gay and non-gay Christian Scientists, and served as editor of the journal Emerge! In the first issue, he described the journal's mission: “To focus on solutions, not problems. Its goal will be to inspire, to uplift, to heal. Re-fighting church battles will not be part of its mission, but diversity and respect for individual points of view will be. Its columns will be open to the discussion of controversial ideas.” Kentner also played piano and recorder and was interested in genealogy, history, and politics. Survivors include his life companion, Sterling Rainey, a son, and a sister.

Appeared in ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó magazine: September 2011