Economics Department

Theses Titles

For the most recent list of theses, please visit the .

Name Year Title
Albis-Burdige, Blaise 2022 Isolating and insulating ESG score disagreement in publicly traded US companies
Gadkari, Aditya 2022 Mandi markets : an economic analysis of the effects of state-run markets on farmer market outcomes and satisfaction in India
Dearman, Maya 2022 Basketball bargaining : the impact of free agency on NBA players' monetary outcomes
Her, Andrew Chueyeng 2022 Think green, think chocolate : a case study of corporate social responsibility and sustainability in the chocolate supply chain
Adhikari, Shisham 2021 Inequality in Ramsey Growth Model with Heterogeneous Rates of Return: Are rich getting higher returns on investment than poor?
Campos, Andrea 2021 Andean Superfood Boom Goes Bust: An Economic Analysis on the Welfare Effects of the Quinoa Bust in Peru
Davies, Tom 2021 Extractive and Exacting: Reshaping West Virginia's Economy for a World Without Coal
Davis, Lulu 2021 Reassessing the Measure of Income Inequality in the United States
Givens, Samuel 2021 Remuneration Frustration: The Past, Present, and Future of Music Streaming Royalties
Jarvis, Matt 2021 Comparative Community and Economic Development: An Audit and Discussion concerning Public Investment in the Lents neighborhood of Portland, Oregon from 1980-2019
Ji, Yessica 2021 How Do COVID-19 Lockdowns Affect China’s Air Pollution and its Future Path?
Jiao, Lirui 2021 Looking at the Relationship between Investment Fluctuations and Economic Growth Fluctuations in China since Reform on both a National and Province Level
Li, Jonathan 2021 Simulating Repeated Coalition Formation under Uncertainty
Mulgrew, Peter 2021 Gender and Innovation in the US Patent System
Nobel, Max 2021 Tuition Dependent: Examining the Trade-off between International and Non-White Enrollment at American Higher Education Institutions
Oosthuizen, Evian 2021 Tax Swap: Replacing a State Tax on Electricity Sales with a Carbon Tax
Passarelli, Matt 2021 The Capitalization of Energy Efficiency in Home Sale Prices
Post, Grisha 2021 Hedonic Valuation of Disappeared Streams in Portland, Oregon
Rabe, Lauren 2021 Does Presentation Matter? An Analysis of Text vs. Images in a Choice Experiment of Green Roofs
Rai, Bijay 2021 On Track: Access to Improved Road Network and Poverty Alleviation in Mid and Far Western Nepal
Ren, William 2021 Casino Revenue and Life Quality in Macau
Roffe, Mayou 2021 Why Didn't We Think Of That? Inclusive survey methodologies and their application towards social programs
Spertus, Daniel 2021 The Role of the State in Funding the Arts: An Evaluation of the Portland Arts Tax
Wan, Matt 2021 Bayesian Econometric Analysis of Individual Spending, Labor Supply, and Deferred Consumption in a Laboratory-Based Token Economy
Williams-Baron, Sam 2021 Investigating the Effects of Wildfires on Local Labor Markets and Economic Activity
Wojcik, Olek 2021 Higher Education Responses to COVID-19
Zhu, Yuxi 2021 Female Labor Force Participation Rate in East Asian Countries
Ahmed, Soha 2020 The impact of China's BRI on FDI flows to sub-Saharan Africa
Anderson, Monika 2020 Green is the new black : fashion firm motivations to pursue sustainability
Anderson, Nolan 2020 Global effects of schooling in early stage entrepreneurship
Aswad, Caleb Emilio 2020 Render unto Caesar : an economic analysis of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Kingdom of Thailand
Chen, Lixuan 2020 Is education finally paying-off in urban China? : evidence from 1989-2015
Cronk, Alyse 2020 Correlates and the will to pay : a Mexican micro-loan case study
Daniel, William 2020 Machine learning application in credit card fraud
Ditter, Jamil 2020 Ways of measuring and quantifying gentrification in Portland, Oregon
Friend, Gabriel 2020 Alcohol, cigarettes, and crime : a state level analysis of excise tax rates and crime incidence
Gaunt, Frank Thomas 2020 Undergraduate tuition relief programs' impact on college enrollment and graduate migration
Goldsmith, Jacob 2020 Exploring the relationship between age and formal bank account usage
Hariharan, Aditya 2020 Innovation in the sleeping giant : an examination of factors that influence provincial innovation in China
Huque, Salma 2020 Even further beyond the pleasure principle : a hedonic price model of property development constraints in Portland, Oregon
Irvin, Robert S. 2020 Simulating the price of anarchy in auctions
Jellison, Claire 2020 Giving by the numbers : a study of peer effects with online crowdfunding
Kim, Ryan 2020 Zoning and its effects on urban sprawl : a case study of Seattle and Portland
Kobler, Ryan Carrasco 2020 Spatial effects and environmental hedonic valuation in Portland, Oregon
Lee, Morgan 2020 A choice experiment on consumer willingness to pay for burgers
Ligamari, Michael 2020 The digitization of music and market effects : two eras
Luckey, Jackson Maillie 2020 Social and economic determinants of the fatal overdose rate in Ohio
Marr, Siena 2020 Consumption-based carbon accounting and fair attribution of carbon emissions responsibility
Neupane, Shulav 2020 Citation and collaboration behavior at the university level in agricultural sciences
Oyakawa, Yuki 2020 Decision making under uncertainty : loot boxes
Peng, Jiajing 2020 Nonprofits as infrastructure for regional economic resilience : evidence from US metropolitan area during the great recession
Peña-Martinez, Gerry 2020 Smoke gets in your eyes : advertisements and audiences of the twentieth-century cigarette industry
Ramirez, Giorlando 2020 Measuring the resiliency of US foreign direct investment to currency crises
Samel, Evan 2020 When pigs die : the structural mismanagement of African swine fever in China
Solnick, Noah 2020 Evolutionary or revolutionary : how blockchain has changed and where it may be headed
Thomas, Benjamin Frederick 2020 State policy shocks and inter-jurisdictional commuting
Vert, Eileen 2020 Monopolistic and monopsonistic behavior in online platforms funded by targeted advertising : evidence from Facebook and Google
Absar, Aiman 2019 Revealing anomalies in behavior of rational agents : applying game theory to behavioral economics
Alvarado, Edwin 2019 Impact of fast fashion on welfare in developing countries
Bales, Charles 2019 The burden of cost : using dance-based research to center lived experience in a non-dominant model of disability in postsecondary education
Berman, Isabelle 2019 To buy or not to buy : climate change risk in the western U.S. wine industry
Chen, Shenwei 2019 Price of beans in China
Cruger, Bailee 2019 The future of econometrics : predictive modeling in economics
DesMarais, Kyran 2019 The case for privatizing the republic of Korea's social security system
Diab, Sarah 2019 Lowering information asymmetry in the organ procurement system
Dinh, Thao 2019 A parsimonious model the global box office returns of theatrical exhibitions
Fessant-Eaton, Owen 2019 The fiscal multiplier of TANF during the great recession
Fox, Ashlee K. 2019 Sovereignty and self-governance in Indian country : applying a law and economics framework to Carpenter v. Murphy
Gordon, Ethan Kent 2019 Tragedy of the common (application)s : a mechanism-design approach to college admissions in the United States
Hashmi, Yaseen 2019 Designing Zion : economic theory and history in Mormon settlement strategy
Ilavarasan, Uma M. 2019 A(merican) b(orn) c(onfused) d(esi)s and ABCDs : the effects of the children of Asian Indian immigrants on school-level academic performance
Leflar, Sarah 2019 Did the ACA medicaid expansion affect state labor markets?
Lu, Haozheng 2019 A game theoretical study of blockchain network and smart contract
MacDougall, Katie 2019 Impacts of the MERCOSUR free residence agreement on population mobility in Brazil
Magleby, Austin C. 2019 Regulatory solutions for blockchain based digital payment systems
Magruder, Corey 2019 Educational attainment and antenatal care use in Tajikistan
Matz, Jonathan E. 2019 The Bank of Japan's monetary policy announcement effects as a proxy for measuring the efficacy of quantitative easing
Mead, Gabriella Heron 2019 Fast fashion and excessive consumption
Nigro, Caitlyn 2019 An economic case for mandated corporate sustainability disclosures
Palmer, Oona Kathleen 2019 NAFTA to the USMCA : a new roadmap for North American auto manufacturing
Rebeyrol, Guillaume Christian Manuel Young 2019 Nudging towards sustainable waste management
Reinitz, David 2019 A choice experiment survey of willingness to pay for urban stream restoration in Portland, Oregon
Richmond, Sarah Modene 2019 Obscuring choice : an analysis of state medicaid abortion funding restrictions and reproductive outcomes among low-income groups
Rosenthal, Hannah 2019 Growing equity : behaviors, beliefs, and wellbeing in Nepal's community forests
Sowell, Daria 2019 Redistribution in the wake of crisis
Stashevsky, Alec Gil 2019 Domestic remittance in China : rural-urban migration's trail of inequality
Szatmary, Luke 2019 Merit-Aid : boon or boondoggle? : A study of the effect of merit-aid policies on state income inequality
Tollas, Lana Marie 2019 Airport capacity and airline delays : a quantitative analysis
Toyohara, Mai 2019 The distributional effects of the British Columbia carbon tax : an evaluation of microsimulation modeling in tax incidence analysis
Ward, Slater 2019 Portland charter schools' effect on the black-white student achievement gap
Williams, Shelby Monique 2019 The hair I swear by : an economic analysis of how Los Angeles black beauty firms affect the communities they inhabit
Wu, Yifan 2019 Can I remain a unicorn : an analysis of the IPO decision in tech industry
Yeung, Gabriel 2019 A case against conscription : the empirics of the draft on GDP growth
Zigmant, Lindsay 2019 Not tickled pink about pink tax
Zitler, Miriam Lillian 2019 Econometric analysis of real-time wholesale electricity prices at major west coast trading hubs
Baker, Josephine 2018 What to expect when you're expecting expectations : the past, present and potential future of mid-run fluctuation models
Chiu, Yuen Hei Kammy 2018 An examination of the determinants of voluntary national contribution towards climate change mitigation
Dallago, Laura 2018 A case study of employment in Morocco
Davies, Margaret 2018 Trouble with soil : westward expansion and the US federal government 1850-1900
Fasawe, Modupeoluwa 2018 Demographic dividend and the prognosis for Nigeria
Groueva, Monika 2018 Kiss kiss bang bang : an exploration of East Central Europe's relationship to the global illicit arms trade
Henriques Da Silva, Pedro 2018 People, place and pulse : how relational goods affect happiness
Hernandez, Mauricio 2018 How much can I give to help? : the interaction between the political cycle and contributions to nonprofit organizations
Isabel, Simué Rose 2018 Black brain drain
Jackson, Cooper C. 2018 An empirical analysis of mobility effects on interstate tax competition
Jhajj, Seerat 2018 Determinants and policy implications of bilateral FDI flows : evidence from emerging economics in 2001-2012
Keithahn, Ryan 2018 Immigration and it's discontents : the empirical determinants of the influence of immigration on international trade
Kropf, Edward 2018 Evaluation of operational efficiencies of multichannel retail SMEs in Pacific Northwest via data envelopment analysis
La Prairie, Taylor 2018 Food deserts, transportation, and the uptake of dollar-for-dollar SNAP matching programs at farmers markets in Portland, Oregon
Li, Boyuan 2018 How do natural disasters affect household saving decisions? : evidence from rural china
Linegar, Mitchell 2018 Not just talking heads : analyzing the dynamics of rhetorical competition in the 2016 presidential election
Plechot Binder, Samuel 2018 An economic analysis of affordable housing policies in the San Francisco Bay Area
Resnick, Connor 2018 How the balloon popped : an empirical analysis of the "balloon effect" in the Eurasian market for poppy cultivation
Schulingkamp, Rachel 2018 No new friends? : an economic analysis comparing the value of familiar and unfamiliar interactions in rats
Watson, Patricia 2018 Harmony and havens : perspectives on tax havens and tax harmonization in the European Union
Witte, Edward 2018 Determinants of credit market accessibility in the coffee sector
Yagi, Keita 2018 Interdisciplinary investigations on fertility
Alexander, Grace Bennett 2017 Going global? : analyzing the effects of skill level on trade sentiments
Armada, Brian 2017 Effects of light rail transit in Portland: 1996-2006
Blackman, Gabrielle R. 2017 How does commodity dependence affect trade in Africa?
Cole, Carolyn Stadden 2017 Straight to the source : the economics of human trafficking
Dalbina, Ieva 2017 International arms trade : examining the effects of multilateral arms control measures
Denison, Madeline 2017 Redefining the economics of the avant-garde : the case of conceptualism
Droste, Kristian Edward 2017 Health warning labels : a tool to help reduce the misuse of recreational cannabis
Feier, Lucian Florin 2017 A knowledge-based approach to Disconnect three
Graunke, Hannah 2017 A proposal for evaluating international short-term volunteer trips
Hahnemann, Anders 2017 Factors predicting job integration for refugees
Hamati, Benjamin Wadie-Yousif 2017 Analyzing medical marijuana as an exogenous shock to labor supply
Harding-Laprade, Zachary B. 2017 Quantitative easing impacts on corporate bond markets
Jarrett, Mark 2017 Investigating revealed placebos for productivity
Keppler, Michael Christian Santos 2017 Underwater: the effect of fema food insurance policies in portland, oregon
Lama, Tashi Ngudup 2017 Determinants of home and away goals scored in the English Premier League : a response to Lahvička (2015)
Li, Danting 2017 Maximizers versus satisficers : decision-making styles, sense of control and vulnerability to sunk-cost fallacy
Martin, Julie Xin 2017 A focus on U.S. regional variation in the relationship between high-skilled immigration and patent production
Morrison, Ian 2017 Examining the impact of transfer payments on investment decisions
Ng, Jing Xian 2017 Strategic interaction in estate and inheritance taxes among US states
Nyamakazi, Lazola V. 2017 An analysis of the 1980s Latin American economic crisis : lessons for present day South Africa
Olson, Samuel D. 2017 A big data analysis of Poké́mon battling
Pedrotti, Helena 2017 Prenuptial agreements and their implications for wealth inequality
Pong, Natalie 2017 Do Japan's foreign direct investments in Singapore improve Japan's bilateral trade flows with other ASEAN countries?
Randari, Florence 2017 Financial inclusion : a case study of Tanzania
Riedler, Marcus Laurens 2017 The emergence of low-cost carriers following airline deregulation and their effects on industry pricing structure
Sosa-Coba, Diego 2017 Measuring significant differences in entrepreneurial quality of Oregon businesses
Toshima, Alicia 2017 Effect of financial aid received on undergraduate GPA
Unny-Law, Rohan Aditya 2017 Blood minerals and good intentions : the legacy of Dodd-Frank in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Blair, Galen 2016 Hedonistic effects of bicycle paths on housing prices in Portland, OR
Brauner, Sarah D. 2016 A new order of things : the structure of partial orders in the face of lower bounds
Chasin, Saul 2016 Auctions speak louder than words : application of alternate auction criteria to dynamic tax investment
Cornelison, Kassidy Nicole 2016 Globalization and the gender wage gap in China
D'Amato, Carlo Sebastian 2016 Vladimir Putin's winged troika : the role of sanctions, oil price, and weak economic institutions in the Russian ruble crisis of 2014
Enemchukwu, Emmanuel N. 2016 The impacts of physical disabilities on labor market outcomes : (a Tanzanian case study)
Fiore, Nicholas 2016 Do currency unions increase trade or can trade increases be explained by close ties?
Grossman, Rachel 2016 Is bitcoin money? : a theoretical study of bitcoin as money and empirical analysis of its price determinants
Hill, Luke 2016 Bubbles, booms, and busts : what's a regulator to do?
Hofmann, Julia 2016 H2 uh-oh : a game-theoretic analysis of water quality trading
Holdaway, Taylor 2016 The effects of drought on non-agricultural output in the United States
Hope, Daniel 2016 Mix & match : workplace tournament hybrid awards for the modern era
Lim, Andrea Wei Lin 2016 Worth its weight in gold? : how legalization affects the price of marijuana
Mankov, Vladislav Vaskov 2016 Distributional implications of a vehicle miles traveled tax
Namkai-Meche, Taliesin 2016 Estimating cross-price elasticities of demand for natural gas and electricity : a disaggregated study
Panjwani, Ahyan 2016 Estimating the impact of commodity market shocks on real business cycles using Bayesian methods
Radoslovich, Stephanie S. 2016 Correlates of readmission in California parturients
Sand, Ted 2016 Attack of the time traveling vultures : the effect of holdouts on sovereign default negotiations
Wang, Justine 2016 Toward an open innovation regime : knowledge-sharing for economic growth
Young, Dean K. 2016 Myopic loss aversion in investment behavior
Addae, Ka 2015 Productivity effects of sexual victimization
Atchison, Noa 2015 People, PACs, and piles of cash : electoral competitiveness and campaign contributions in the US House of Representatives
Baker, Benjamin 2015 Smart cooperatives : advanced metering infrastructure adoption in electric utilities
Bernard, Michael Ala 2015 Property tax implications on urban renewal outcomes : a case study of Portland
Bueermann, Gretchen Elizabet 2015 Agricultural price shocks and gender based violence in India
Donoughe, Logan T. 2015 Consumer flight, repeat purchases, and lemons markets : an agent-based study
Ellogne, Amah Orphelia Carenn 2015 The effect of rainfall shocks on intimate partner violence against women
Hackenberg, Luke C. 2015 Experimental evidence for the endowment effect under conditions of induced resource scarcity
HMensa, Edwin Paapa Kwak 2015 Missio-nomics : examining the effect of historic missionary activity on current economic development
Kaplowitz, Apri 2015 Do we really know that the TTIP will increase trade? : a study on the effectiveness of regional trade agreements in promoting trade
Koontz, Zoe 2015 Investigating domestic drivers of cross-border capital movement
LaBelle, Jame 2015 US income tax progressivity as an automatic macroeconomic stabilizer
Ma, Ann 2015 The rise of fast fashion retailers and their effects on the price of clothing over time
McKenna, Dyla 2015 The interest rate parity condition : a golden opportunity?
Mirza, Shabab Ahme 2015 Thinking outside the box office : earned revenue and other determinants of programmatic conformity for nonprofit theatres in the United States
Olson, Mathe 2015 The relevance of irrelevance : exploring decoy effect and conjunction fallacy
Recinos, Alexander Thoma 2015 Understanding the free trade debate : the determining factors of individual trade policy preferences
Schmid, Wil 2015 The impact of the 1999 collective bargaining agreement on competitiveness in the NBA
Sprague, Col 2015 Estimating the effect of decriminalized prostitution on STI transmission rates
Vaughn, Dyla 2015 Demographics and state-level economic growth
Weber, Christophe 2015 An econometric analysis of grocery store strategy and competition in Portland, OR
Weisgrau, Austi 2015 Towards a theory of coercive advertising
Blair, Caroline 2014 The United States of Hollywood: An analysis of motion picture tax competition
Chai, Jonathan Joon Hyung 2014 International spillovers of United States quantitative easing policy: An examination of emeerging economy equity markets
Dhama, Anjuli C. 2014 Questioning fir trade chocolate: An economic analysis on food price policy and alternative trading methods
Gallagher, Kevin Yoshiaka 2014 The valuation of mortgage-backed securities: Correctly pricing associated risks
Giffin, Allison 2014 Lessons in growing up: Assessing optimal growth scenarios within Portland's urban growth boundary
Harkins, Johannes 2014 Testing the efficiency of sports betting markets: An examination of National Football League and English Premier League betting
Hechtel, Tristan Gregory 2014 Income-based tuition repayment: A critical analysis
Hemmings, Alexandra Jane 2014 The real cost of parking: Two case studies in Portland, OR
Hoyman-Browe, Alanna Marguritte 2014 Intimate partner violence: Evidence from the National Violence Against Women survey
Hu, Weiqi 2014 Innovation and information communication technology in China
Iselin, John 2014 Renewable portfolio standards: Examining the effect of state policy on reweable electrical capacity
Janicki, Martha 2014 Hidden status? The role of male circumcision in the Zambia marriage market prior to the introduction of VMMC
Jarrad, Maya 2014 Valuation of urban stream restoration in the Johnson Creek Watershed: A repeat sale hedonic hybrid analysis
Jennings, Eric Michael 2014 Inequality, norms, and taxation: Evidence from top shares of income and wealth, 1900-2013
Jin, Jason 2014 College income premium trend and skill-biased technological change
Kaminsky, Marina Elizabeth 2014 Conditional cash transfers and education outcomes for the poor: An analysis of Bono 10 Mil in Honduras
Kim, Bryan 2014 The effects of exchange rates on intrafirm trading by multinational corporations: Evidence from U.S. trade in 1985-2010
King, Aaron 2014 What's a meta for? Modeling player learning in rock-paper-scissors
Korada, Shruti 2014 Determinants of intergenerational coresidence in urban China: A closer look at older women and young households
Koskores, Thomas A. 2014 Zipf's law and international integration: An exploration of the rank-size distribution for cities
Lynch, William Finn 2014 Connecting to modernity: The Internet's role in Chinese economic development
Melcher, Cody William 2014 Tax income elasticities across U.S. states
Payne, Torrey 2014 The economics of new technology and wages: Marginal effects of two-point and three-point shooting in the National Basketball Association
Reback, Mia Rose Costin 2014 The distributional effects of a carbon tax in Oregon: Review of the literature and detailed methodology for assessing the incidence
Shanmugam, Shubba Srimoyee 2014 Processions of rectangles within triangles: Geometric proofs for game-theorietical oligopoly models
Thu, Htet "Jason" Lin 2014 Why are real estate prices in urban China so high? Is there a bubble?
Wang, Joan J. 2014 Food access, race, and poverty: Associations of neighborhood characteristics and grocery access in Portland, Oregon
Watson, Andrew Douglas 2014 How does progressive redistribution affect income inequality in the United States?
Abdullah Faiz, Ezwan Amzar 2013 Sowing philanthropy: An empirical analysis of ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó College young alumni giving
Anderson, Casey 2013 The effect of fixed and mobile telecommunications on economic productivity
Buchholz, Martis 2013 An examination of rational speculative bubble models: Early rational bubble models, herding, and heterogeneous beliefs
Conour, Garret A. 2013 Predicting consumer welfare loss in a hypothetical Chinese rare earth embargo
Delaney, Jess 2013 Markov chain Monte Carlo and the Black-Scholes formula
DeRosa, Lauren 2013 The creative labor market in Portland, Oregon
Hedman, Carl Gunnar 2013 A reinvestigation of the effects of neighborhood on employment and earnings outcomes in the interim period of the Move to Opportunity experiment
Howard, Sean Arthur 2013 A theory and practice of money laundering
Ivanov, Svetoslav 2013 Identification and estimation of the effects of fiscal policy shocks
Jiang, Lai 2013 An empirical study of whether U.S. states reformed eminent domain laws in response to the 2005 U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Kelo v New London
Jones, Alden 2013 Time-varying risk premia and the euro: A state-space model
Karabaic, Lillian Anastasia 2013 Let's get physical: A valuation of bikeability in Portland's apartment rental market
Kincaid, Michael Scott 2013 Is the euro oprimal? An examination of trade and cycles in Europe
Laughton, Jeremy 2013 Negligent hiring and the effectiveness of legal incentives
Liu, Su 2013 Schrodinger's hat: Decision making and uncertainty in real and virtual worlds
May, Alexander Lewis 2013 Big money, big trouble: Protectionism and national security concerns in FDI regulations worldwide
Moore, Brian David 2013 All news is bad news: The effects of policy uncertainty on manufacturing investment
Nguyen, Hai Thi Hong 2013 Electricity restructuring in Vietnam: Why? And how? An approach from economic theory and country lessons
Nilles, Cameron 2013 Local fast food: An econometrics analysis of sales and optimal expansion locations
Perez, Kristina Marie 2013 Cost benefit analysis of the "Portland composts!" program
Pittman, Nicholas Mayer 2013 The effect of low-income housing developments on nearby home sale prices in Portland, Oregon
Sutphin, Ben 2013 Megaevents as international signals: The effect of the Pan American Games on international trade
Warren, Joseph B. 2013 Money supply by profit-seeking firms
Whalen, Eric S. 2013 Quality and signaling in the video-game industry
Bloomquist, Lauren 2012 Willingness to pay for ecoroofs in the Portland, Oregon condominium market
Calenzani, Jonathan 2012 Two tales of one city: Economic and architectural analysis of New York City housing prices
Case, Molly Rose 2012 The benefits of implementing sustainable financial models in small nonprofit organizations
Elias, Nisma 2012 Competition in microfinance: Complexities and caveats
Forsythe y Korzeniewicz, Gabriel Czeslaw 2012 Global gender wage inequality, 1979-2009
Hintz, Mark 2012 Fear and fortune in the political economiy of civil war: Evidence on the correlates of civil war from Sierra Leone and Ghana
Kachroo-Levine, Kirin 2012 A study of state renewable portfolio standard variation and renewable energy certificate pricing
Lopez Vivas, Luis Eduardo 2012 Government spending in oil-exporting countries
Pant, Suraj 2012 The impact of tourism on income inequality: An econometric assessment
Stewart, Justin T. 2012 Randomness as fairness
Verghese, Thomas N. 2012 The influence of unexpected changes in sovereign credit ratings on investor behavior
Zhang, Ximeng 2012 The effects of piracy in the PC video game industry: network effects, quality signaling and coordination
Levin, Zachary 2011 Economic determinants of antidepressant utilization
Samarajiva, Anuradha 2009 Inclusion and opportunity in individual development accounts: An analysis of match rates and saving outcomes