Major Spanish

What You’ll Study in the Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish

Converse fluently in Spanish and read Spanish-language literature with the Spanish major at ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó College. Learn about Spanish and Latin American culture and history, and engage in cultural immersion by studying abroad or participating in Portland’s Latinx culture. Discover the power of language and cultural connection with a bachelor’s degree in Spanish.

Roadmap to the BA in Spanish at ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó

As a student in the Spanish department, refine your Spanish language skills and study abroad. In your upper-division courses, explore cultural texts and historical contexts with a critical lens. Culminate your studies with a senior thesis that makes a meaningful contribution to the field of Spanish studies.

Year One

Begin Your ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó Journey

Dive into an introductory Spanish course or take the language placement examination to determine if you should join more advanced classes. Our first and second-year Spanish offerings emphasize speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and cultural context.

In addition, take Humanities 110, our renowned interdisciplinary course that sets the foundation for all ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó students. Gain the tools necessary to engage thoughtfully with diverse perspectives, and enhance your ability to express your ideas effectively.

Discover Humanities 110

Year Two

Expand Your Boundaries

Continue exploring the Spanish language through courses at ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó or by studying abroad. We offer semester or yearlong programs in countries such as Argentina, Cuba, Ecuador, and Spain.

Make sure you visit La Casa Hispánica, the Spanish House, which hosts Hispanic cultural activities for all students. As a sophomore, you can even live in La Casa with fellow Spanish majors and practice your language skills.

Visit La Casa Hispánica

Year Three

Deepen Your Knowledge

Equipped with a firm command of the Spanish language, take upper-division courses focused on Spanish and Latin American cultural texts, sociopolitical questions, and philosophical debates. Choose from classes such as Art after Franco and Latin America’s Revolutionary Century.

Prepare for and take the junior qualifying exam, which determines whether you’re ready to undertake your senior thesis. Complete the written and oral components of the Qual in Spanish, which include a research paper and an oral defense.

Learn about the junior qualifying exam

Year Four

Take on the Senior Thesis

Embark on the senior thesis project. This yearlong endeavor is the culmination of your Spanish major, showcasing your skills and knowledge. Delve into a topic of your choosing, and apply the analytical and research skills honed through your coursework and the Qual. Create original scholarly work that reflects your intellectual growth and passion for the Spanish language and culture.

Explore Spanish major learning outcomes

Why Study Spanish at ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó College?

Live in La Casa Hispánica

La Casa Hispánica, or Spanish House, is a residence hall for sophomores and a Hispanic cultural center for the campus. It hosts activities like potluck dinners with department faculty, dance performances, and concerts.

Two language scholars—native Spanish speakers and Spanish department members—live in La Casa. They provide cultural expertise and academic support and host weekly informal “cafecitos” to help you practice Spanish in a relaxed setting.

Study Abroad Opportunities

Seize the opportunity to study in a Spanish-speaking country, and experience the language and culture firsthand. Take a semester of courses in Cuba through the Sarah Lawrence College in Cuba program, or enroll in the Universitat de Barcelona, one of the oldest universities in Spain. As a ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó Spanish major, you can apply for many internal and external grants and fellowships to help defray the cost of studying abroad.

Explore study abroad opportunities

My Favorite Courses

Careers for BA in Spanish Graduates

With their Spanish-language fluency and cultural awareness, ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó’s Spanish majors find careers in various fields, from education to media.

  • Associate professor, Bowdoin College
  • Director of development and current production, Left/Right
  • Freelance journalist and translator
  • In-house producer, Match Factory Productions
  • Publicity and social media coordinator, Desperate Literature
  • Spanish language librarian, Arapahoe Libraries
  • Teacher, David Douglas School District
  • Visiting assistant professor, Colby College

Learn more about career paths and possibilities

Achievements of Spanish Alumni

ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó graduates with a major in Spanish have also gone on to attend graduate and doctorate programs at universities across the country:

  • Emory University
  • Princeton University
  • University of Denver
  • University of New Hampshire
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • University of Virginia
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison

Meet the Spanish Department Faculty

From literary theory and translation to political theory and religious studies, the areas of study of our dedicated professors reflect a deep understanding and appreciation for the Spanish-speaking world. Learn more about their expertise and how you can collaborate with them on future projects.

View faculty profiles

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